Product Info
140.00 mg/$-
3,500 mg
Genetics: Black Rose x Haute Sauce ( Hybrid ) Scent: Berry / Tropical Taste: Fruit / Cream CBD Potency: 14.84 Trim: Hand Gonzo is a new hydroponic hemp strain that produces a vibrant green flower with hints of glistening colorful purples along with a wildly bizarre bag appeal this CBD flower has an amazing aroma and taste profile that perfectly pairs berry with blended tropical fruits A rare top shelf hybrid flower such as this is not expected to last long Suggested Use: Day / Night All BackWoodz premium CBD flower products go through 3rd party testing and organically grown without the use of pesticides Gonzo Hydro tests out with a 14.84 CBD % and under .3 % Delta 9 THC BackWoodz hemp flower is U S Farm Bill compliant under the Agriculture Improvement Act Sec 10113 CBDisanaturalcannabisfoundinhempflowerdutetothelowlegallimitofDelta 9THCpresent inhemplowisnotapsychoactivetypeofcannabisConsumersoftenreportfeelingssofre laxationcalmandothergreatbenefitsassociatedwithCBDbroad spectrumfull spectrumbioavailabilitywater solublecbd oilcbd isolatecbd concentratecbd ediblescbd capsulescbd tabletscbd patchescbd suppositoriescbd beveragescbd skincarecbd petcarecbd wellnesscbd healthcbd beautycbd cosmeticscbd personal carecbd aromatherapycbd massageoilcbd bathsalts Cbdtreatmentforpainreliefstressreductionanxietymanagementmoodenhancement sleepqualityfocusconcentrationenergyboostimmunesupportskinhealthpetwellnes sbeautyroutinepersonalhygieneandmore
Price History
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