Product Info
60.00 mg/$-
1,200 mg
KUSH QUEEN Full-Spectrum CBD chews offer you our proprietary blend of cannabinoids including CBDA, CBCA, CBN & THCV along with terpenes like Myrcene, Caryophyllene, Limonene, Pinene, Linalool, Terpinolene, Ocimine, Borneol, Bisabolol, Nerolidol, Phytol, Geraniol, Humulene, Farnesene, Camphen, Valencene, Pulegone, Sabinene, Isopulegol, Carene, Guaiol, Cedrene, Selinenes, Longifolen, Bergamotene, Elemicin, Curcumene, Thujopsene, Azulen, Chamazulene, Menthol, Menthone, Carvacrol, Eugenol, Safrole, Asaradiol, Estragole, Bornyl Acetate, Citronellal, Nootkatone, Perillyl Alcohol, Vetivone, Zingiberene, Spathulenol, Patchoulene, Alpha-Ylangene, Beta-Elemene, Gamma-Muurolene, Ledol, Cubebene, Viridiflorol, Jatrophane, Dihydrocarvones, Isoledols, Sesquiterpenoids, Triterpenoid Alcohols, Flavonoids, Phenolic Compounds.
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